Energy and climate protection

Whether mobile phone, laptop, heating or stove - everything needs energy. This comes mainly from oil, gas, coal and also still from nuclear power plants. However, this is set to change in Germany in the future, as these raw materials are not available in unlimited quantities and also emit gases during combustion that harm the climate. Profit-oriented energy generation at the expense of the environment and people is just as problematic as the waste of energy. It is time to become aware that fossil raw materials are finite, that energy must be used sparingly and resources must be conserved, and that we must focus on climate-friendly and sustainable energy production.

Energy determines our everyday life, and we determine its economic efficiency, both in our private and professional lives.

In the future, Germany will rely more heavily on the environmentally friendly energies of sun, water and wind in order to protect the environment and climate.

This is a concern to which Zwickau is also dedicated. With the city's participation in the European Energy Award® since January 2011, it has been intensively addressing the issue of energy use and consumption in a wide range of different areas of work and life, and has oriented its new measures towards energy and climate protection.