
Month Juli 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Bed capacity and occupancy rate
open 18 16 14 15 15
beds offered 1.153 1.116 1.070 1.120 1.123
occupancy rate 43,7 % 38,4 % 37,6 % 37,8 % 40,9 %
arrivals and overnight stays
arrivals 79.540 79.265 82.433 84.080 85.896
of which from abroad 9.066 7.658 9.215 10.678 9.949
overnight stays 183.709 157.200 149.726 154.505 168.215
average 26.128 23.115 21.210 23.795 25.406
duration of stay 2,3 Tage 2 Tage 1,8 Tage 1,8 Tage 2 Tage


Source: State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony

Tourismus - Herkunftsländer 2017/2018
Diagram of the origin of foreign guests 2017/2018