Commissioner for Equality, Foreigners and Integration

The Commissioner for Equal Opportunities

The aim of the work of the Equal Opportunities Officer is to realise the fundamental right to equal rights and equal opportunities.

That's why she works:

  • to promote awareness of equality and equal rights,
  • to reduce gender-specific discrimination
  • to reduce of existing disadvantages and to prevent disadvantages in the city through appropriate project work
  • introduce gender equality relevant concerns and demands into municipal work

further fields:

  • Support for women and families in special or precarious situations
  • Initial counselling for women, men and families seeking advice on equal opportunities
  • Initial advice on protection against violence
  • Promotion of the LGBTTIQ approach
  • Monitoring and control of the work of the departments with regard to gender equality issues

The Commissioner for Foreigners and Integration

The fundamental aim of the work of the Commissioner for Foreigners and Integration is to promote equal opportunities for all residents living permanently or temporarily in the city, irrespective of their cultural and ethnic origin.

The commissioner's tasks are accordingly:

  • Advice on residence law, refugee and asylum law and referral to the appropriate advice centres
  • Development and implementation of integration and migration-specific concepts and projects
  • Promotion of inclusive policies for peaceful coexistence and the integration of different ethnic and cultural groups in urban society
  • Promotion of intercultural dialogue, intercultural opening of the administration and society
  • Prevention work against racism and antidemocracy
  • Initial anti-discrimination advice
  • Support of civic engagement in integration and migration work
  • Cooperation and networking with all institutions, facilities, associations and initiatives involved in the integration process in the city
  • Contact person for the language and cultural mediation service in the City of Zwickau and the district
  • The language and cultural mediation service is a cooperation project between the City of Zwickau and the Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau - University of Applied Sciences and is financially supported by the District of Zwickau on the basis of the Guideline for Integrative Measures of the Free State of Saxony.
  • Contact person for the Integration Advice Centre in the City of Zwickau
  • Commissioner for Equality, Foreigners and Integration

    Postal Address

    PF 20 09 33
    08009 Zwickau

    Visitor Address

    Hauptmarkt 1
    08056 Zwickau
    Ulrike Lehmann

    Get in touch

    Phone Number: +49 375 831834
    Phone Number: Women emergency calls Zwickau: 0173 9479789
    & 0176 21018722
    Phone number for
    „Pregnant women in need“:
    0800 4040020
    Telefax Number: +49 375 831899
Beratung per Telefon, E-Mail, Chat in 17 Sprachen